Cloud technology has been all the buzz for years now, and there are new platforms and technologies rolled out every day that businesses can benefit from. Cloud solutions bring enhanced data security, greater workflow efficiency, and reduced cost, but, for many organisations, migrating to the cloud is a massive, potentially disruptive undertaking. Reed Professional Services can help. We offer a highly-scalable cloud migration service, capable of dealing with both cloud-to-cloud and data-centre-to-cloud migration.

We work with you to help determine the cloud platforms best suited to your needs, and can implement bespoke solutions to enhance workflows, introduce new functionality, and make teams more efficient. Upgrades are written into the new platform’s infrastructure rather than being bolted on, reducing the risk of unforeseen technical issues.


We know disruption can be harmful to both an organisation’s efficiency and its bottom line, which is why we take the utmost care to minimise disruption to employee working practices during cloud migration. Part of this is making sure that staff know the reasons behind the migration, and that they’re aware of the structure and benefits of the destination platform. We also provide training and workshops on how to use new platforms, easing the transition. Using these techniques, RPS has successfully helped clients migrate data, applications, and employees to new cloud platforms, resulting in a more efficient workforce that’s better able to meet company objectives.


The BBC had a need for all BBC Food website pages and functionality to be migrated to and rebuilt on the BBC’s new Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure. Reed Professional Services was commissioned to re-engineer and rewrite all code to be AWS compliant.

The first step was discussion with stakeholders to determine deliverables and define the skills needed within the project team. Skills were selected to complement skills already within the BBC teams we’d be partnering with. Ourselves and BBC stakeholders agreed upon a project team with skills in Javascript, Node, React, and AWS, and the project began.

This cloud migration project was managed using our Velocity methodology. Velocity provides flexible deliverables for a fixed price, and synergises well with agile clients operating in fast-moving industries. Use of Velocity transferred delivery risk from the BBC to us, reducing the likelihood that a change in scope could lead to increased cost. Weekly progress updates were made to stakeholders. Potential issues and risks were raised in these meetings, allowing the BBC to steer the project as necessary.

Throughout the project, we provided on-the-job training for BBC employees to transfer knowledge to them. This meant that BBC teams were left with all the skills, information, and reference material they would need for the future once the RPS project team was debriefed and withdrawn.

Following on from the successful completion of this project, the BBC is now exploring having RPS provide cloud migration services and support for many of their remaining Forge-based sites.

For more information on how RPS could help with your cloud migration needs, contact us today.

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