Digital Transformation: Aligning Internal Structures for the Future.

Last week we came across this very well written publication taken from a recent round table curated by The Drum, featuring a range of insight on Digital Transformation, and its wider role in Business Change. Contributors included John, Davies head of digital Vodafone, Duncan Robertson managing director Busabout, David Morris head of marketing and PR Bang & Olufsen, Joydeep Bhattacharya managing director Accenture Interactive and John Godwin director of digital innovation Travis Perkins, Ben Rudman CEO MMT Digital.
In the publication they discuss how virtually every sector, from consumer goods to automotive to retail is struggling to cope with new technologies and automation, scrambling around for skills and capabilities in new areas such as Internet of Things, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Yet, just 42% of business leaders say they have the internal capability to deliver business transformation (source: McKinsey).
While entire industries are getting disrupted by new digital entrants and business models, more and more established companies risk losing their competitive advantage. For businesses this poses a major challenge; while digital transformation is inevitable, the wider question is where and how to start. The only solution: digital transformation, as part of a larger shift in the business.
The term “digital transformation” however conjures up connotations of technology and processes. But is it as simple as it sounds? Especially when business transformation is often about digital transformation. When you are looking to impact on the lives of your consumers, business transformation underpinned by digital is what gives the impetus to drive an organisation forward.
So, does digital transformation also encompass a cultural shift? Digital transformation is as much about cultural change as it is about technological innovation. Transformation is ultimately delivered by people in the business – both those taking and implementing decisions and those affected by the change.
To answer these questions The Drum, in association with digital agency MMT Digital, brought together five industry luminaries at a roundtable to discuss how businesses can implement digital transformation programmes, tackle legacy systems, and how they are preparing themselves for the future. It found that while an appreciation of technology is vital, getting the operating structure and company culture right is critical in order to deliver an effective digital transformation, since it ultimately points to a wider organisational change.
This report outlines the key topics from the debates that ensued and we hope it will provide practical tips and pointers for brands and agencies to set themselves up on the right path. The aim is to stimulate debate around how companies must react to and shape digital disruption to enable faster digital change, prepare for digital skills shortages, and align company culture with organisational goals.
You can download the full report here:
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