Over the last year we’ve been working with several key government organisations and businesses to support their preparations for Brexit. We were delighted to feature in this special editorial piece on Brexit planning on government news portal Civil Service World, alongside our partners YPO. See the full article below.

Duncan Spokes, Strategic Markets Manager at YPO, discusses how they and their supplier Reed Professional Services are utilising the YPO Consultancy+ Framework to help government departments and public sector organisations prepare for Brexit.

The Brexit deadline is rapidly approaching, and central government departments, local authorities and wider public sector organisations are facing several unique challenges which need to be successfully delivered within a tight timeframe.

By their nature, central government departments and organisations that work across the EU have a wide variety of projects in progress to plan for Britain’s withdrawal from the EU. As such, they require a trusted partner to manage and deliver key strategic partnerships at all levels of the organisation.

The level of projects required for a government department alone cannot be underestimated, with many having a high volume of ties with the EU. Defra, for example, have a staggering 1,200 EU laws which relate to them, according to the Institute for Government, accounting for a quarter of the EU legislative oeuvre sitting in Brussels. As noted on Civil Service World previously, the EU affects 80% of what Defra does, while 60% of food and drink produced in the UK is exported to Europe.

With such daunting tasks ahead, government departments and public sector organisations are contracting suppliers like our Consultancy+ framework supplier Reed Professional Services (RPS). Their remit is to transform the level of Project and Programme management expertise within the organisations, working particularly on the EU Exit programmes.

Organisations such as RPS specialise in managing high-level projects, allowing them to understand the unique complexity of the challenges facing departments and organisations with complex and intricate relations with the EU. Consequently, RPS were able to deploy a variety of solutions at a fast pace, keeping mission-critical projects on track.

The scale of many of these organisations requires a national approach, with resources and project teams needed across multiple locations across England. In accordance with their wider business remit and objectives, RPS has to work closely with in house teams to develop a shared knowledge base that supports the objectives of individual projects, as well as implement a truly agile approach to tailoring the support while a deal for Brexit hangs in the balance.

RPS Managing Partner Phil Bull commented:

“RPS has been able to deliver critical programmes for organisations preparing for Brexit by providing a trusted partnership which delivers clarity aligned to the project requirements. Our agile approach has seen multi-skilled teams work hand in hand with government departments and public sector organisations on the ground, helping to negate risk and manage fast-paced change, whilst transferring knowledge at every step.”

Through using the YPO Framework as a route to market, government departments have developed a successful relationship with RPS which is supporting preparations for a transition which will intrinsically affect the way in which they will work post-Brexit.

While the project delivery service has been demonstrated by RPS and the Brexit project partnerships, there are also marketplace and services procurement elements to the offering. This multi-channel offering provides flexibility to public sector organisations which in turn supports transactional and strategic delivery outcomes.

The Framework is positioned to support any public sector organisation preparing for Brexit, whether the outcome results in a soft or hard Brexit. It provides access to professional service professionals who can help the public sector with the important strategic preparations ahead of the official Brexit leave date and/or the end of the transition deal in December 2020.

To find out more about how we can help your organisation prepare for Bexit drop us a line here. 

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