Reed Professional Services have the best of both worlds, the backing of a global player, but the culture of a boutique agency. With that in mind we like our visitors to be able to get to know us better, we took 5 minutes to have a quick Q&A with Resource Desk Manager Nick Pound to find out what makes him tick.

Introduce yourself in 10 words. 

A husband and father to two boys (and a dog)!

What’s your background?

Started in telecoms recruitment in 1998 and have specialised in this and technical recruitment both in the UK & Internationally, including a year based in Dallas.

What’s been the most satisfying moment of your career so far?

Early on in my career I was awarded with a weekend for two in New York travelling first class for hitting a target in record time, that was a good day!

What do you consider to be the biggest challenges affecting our market place currently?

Constant developments in technology mean that our client’s needs are changing with them at an ever increasing pace, so we have to be able to learn and adapt quickly to meet those needs.

How do you predict our market place will change over the next decade?

If I had a crystal ball……! I think that the tech developments and digitalising world will mean that older, larger firms that may not be able to change as fluidly will increasingly look to Consulting firms to fill the gap. So the future is bright!

Which individual has inspired you most in your career and in what way?

I’m not sure any one individual has been more of an inspiration than another, I’m drawn to positive people and try to emulate that myself.

If you could offer a piece of advice to your 20 year old self, what would you say?

Take the time to find out what you really want to do with your life then enjoy it!

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