As we stride forward into 2018 we’re being bombarded with Technology, Data and Business trend predictions on blogs and social media posts from across the business world. Of course, no one has time to read them all, it would take us to 2019 to get through them all if we tried, but one that did catch our eye in particular is this very well put together piece from EWeek. They interviewed a range of sources and have gathered key data to bring together a comprehensive overview of the key trends in what they themselves call a ‘Humongous market’

The feature references the new IDC Worldwide DX 2018 Predictions report published recently, which states that “by the end of 2019, digital transformation (DX) spending will reach $1.7 trillion worldwide, a 42 percent increase from 2017.”

They go on to say;

“While IDC continues to see tremendous momentum and influence of DX on technology spending worldwide, across all geographies and industries, 59 percent of companies remain at either stage two or three of DX maturity, or what IDC calls a “digital impasse.”

The new report will help CIOs and IT professionals successfully advance their organization’s digital maturity.

IDC also predicts:

By 2019, personal digital assistants and bots will execute only 1 percent of transactions, but they will influence 10 percent of sales, driving growth among the organizations that have mastered utilizing them.

By 2019, 40 percent of digital transformation Initiatives will be supported by cognitive/AI capabilities, providing timely critical insights for new operating and monetization models.

By the end of 2018, at least 40 percent of organizations will have a fully staffed digital leadership team versus a single DX executive lead to accelerate enterprise-wide DX initiatives.

You can read the full set of predictions about digital transformation from industry experts collected by eWEEK here.

Read the full DX 2018 report from IDC here.

At ReedPS, we support our clients at every stage of their DX journey. We are able to assist in assessing a true picture of where you are, any barriers to success, and develop a plan to drive delivery forward. Our aim is to remove any obstacles to digital transformation that your organisation may face by using the very best knowledge and resources. Over the last 10 years this approach has led to us saving our clients £millions and helped them to be at the forefront of innovation.

Get in touch for our latest case studies. 


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